
The New Year is here...

It was lovely to see so many of you during December and we do hope you managed to get some rest and relaxation with your loved ones and enjoyed the wines you bought from Vin Neuf!

As I seem to be bemoaning more and more that time seems to be rolling by faster, I can’t quite believe we are now in the midst of January, heralding the New Year with all the hopes, aspirations and no doubt a few fears that may bring.

I though, am excited about several things, firstly and very important is that Poppy, our spaniel has been selected to be ‘Dog of the Month’ for February in our trade wine merchants magazine! Not only that, we decided to keeep one of her puppies from her litter last year. Named Hattie, once ‘house trained’ she will also be making some visits to the shop, so please do pop in and say hello!

We introduced some fabulous new wines to the shop last year which you seemed to enjoy… so much of the same again this year, as Jonathan and I head off to various trade wine tastings events to find something new. As some of our Instagram followers will have noticed already, we’ve taken on some low alcohol beers (Wiper & True Pale Ale 0.5% vol.) and some non-alcoholic tea drinks from REAL drinks company both in cool 250ml cans (£2.95) and 750ml Smart Glass Bottles (£9.50).

Whilst we appreciate, we are all trying to drink less but better quality – there is also a growing market who would prefer non-alcoholic alternatives. Thus far, we’ve not ignored this market but in truth  genuinely have struggled to find good quality examples we would be happy to sell.

However, one of recent tastings in the shop was both a revelation and frustration at the same time – as several beers where a definite ‘no-no’ and even a wonderful smart looking de-alcoholised wine ended up in the kitchen sink! That said, we did manage to find a handful of good examples, so do please ask. This category is something we will continue to look at beyond ‘Dry January’ so we can try and cater for all.

We will be releasing more tasting dates in the coming weeks, so keep an eye on social media and our website events page for March and beyond. Some of these will be generic tastings of 6 different wines and we will mix it up with some more specific tastings where we might focus on a grape variety or region or country, when we delve a bit deeper into the styles and backgrounds.

Also, something to shout about from February is that we will be opening the shop later (back to pre-covid times!)… as we appreciate that occasionally some of you have been saddened to see our ‘Desole c’est ferme’ sign! We will therefore now be open until 6pm on all days and then closed on Monday and Sunday. This we hope will help those of you who are returning home after work and looking for a bottle of something more exciting than standard supermarket alternatives.

In addition, on Saturday afternoons between 4-6pm we will be hosting FREE wine tastings from the shop enomatic wine serving system, so we do hope you will come and sample a few of our lovely wines!
